Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Христос Воскресе!

Со светлым Празником Пасхи!

May the wander of this most important day of our Orthodox Christian faith stay with all of you for the whole of the year, to be rekindled again and again form many decades to come, each and every year.

May God touch your hearts and your lives and bring you strength and wisdom.

It was a great pleasure to return after our midnight service, at our local church, which survived the Soviets, even if it was used as a warehouse, and to turn on the telik to see half the channels live broadcasting the extended prayer service in Christ the Savior (or other major cathedrals), while several of the others were playing various Passion movies. Interestingly, most of these Passion movies were American made, from the 1950s and 60s, back when America's Hollywood produced fairs that the family could actually watch.

I will write more later.

Christ Has Risen!
Хрїстóсъ воскрéсе!
Хрыстос уваскрос!
Христос възкресе!
Krist uskrsnu! 
Kristus je vzkříšen!
Chrystus zmartwychwstał!
Христос васкрсе!
Քրիստոս յարեաւ ի մեռելոց՜ Օրհնեալ է Յարութիւնն Քրիստոսի՜
Kristus er opstanden!
Kristus is opstien!
Christ ist erstanden!
Christus is opgestaan!
Kristus är uppstånden!
Christ est ressuscité!
Cristo è risorto
Hristos a înviat!
¡Cristo ha resucitado!
Atgyfododd Crist!
İsa dirildi! Hakikaten dirildi!
Məsih dirildi!
그리스도께서 부활하셨네!
Christos tensiou!
המשיח קם!


Anonymous said...

Don't forget: Χριστὸς Ἀνέστη! :-)

Ποσειδών said...

Χριστός Ανέστη! (Христос Воскресе!)
Greetings from Greece.